
Saturday, November 23, 2013

Girl Meets Ghost (Book #1) by Lauren Barnholdt –OPTIONAL

Barnholdt, Lauren  Girl Meets Ghost (Book #1) 224 pgs. Aladdin, 2013. $11.26.  Content: Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: g; Violence:PG.
Kendall is a 12 year old that communicates with ghosts. They need her help to accomplish their last wishes, in order to move on. Its up to Kendall to help them, while juggling school, her wardrobe and boys. The ghost she is trying to help this time, Daniella, isn't being very helpful -which put Kendall in some embarrassing situations. There is another ghost too, this one not so friendly.
Although the main character is in junior high, this book is definitely an elementary reading level. The main character is sort of bland, but sweet, self involved, into clothes and boys. This is normal, relate-able to students, and just great….except it goes on for 224 pages. Too long for such a simple plotline. Also the back cover references the movies The Sixth Sense and Casper –none of my 6th graders knew what either movie was –this could harm chances of this book seeing circulation in your library.

EL –OPTIONAL Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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