
Friday, October 18, 2013

What’s Bugging Nurse Penny by Catherine Stier –ESSENTIAL

Stier, Catherine What’s Bugging Nurse Penny 19 pgs. Albert Whitman & Company, 2013. $12.23.  Content: Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: G; Violence: G. PICTURE BOOK
Nurse Penny is a unique school nurse who is much loved. One day she isn't quite herself and decides to host an assembly. She admits she has lice, but its nothing to worry about. Everything you might want to know from prevention to cures is detailed in a light-hearted way. The illustrations are bright and interesting. This book avoids being a purely informational as there is a fun main character and a plot in which students worry about her and figure out a way to make her day.
Having recently read a new book David Shannon, one my favorite author/illustrators, about lice, which made my skin crawl, this one far exceeds it. I like the focus on the prevention and great attitude about the preventable and treatable condition.  A book of this nature is a must-have during troubled times at school, buy and keep this book for just such an occasion.

EL (K-3) –ESSENTIAL Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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