
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Vessel by Sarah Beth Durst - ADVISABLE

Durst, Sarah Beth Vessel, 424 pgs. Margaret K. McElderry Books, 2012.

Language - PG (1 swear, 0 "f"), Sexual Content - PG-13; Violence - PG; 

Today is the day Liyana dies so that her goddess Bayla will be able to live. In this time of great drought, Bayla's magic is needed now more than ever. But she doesn't come. Since Liyana did not die to save her people, she is now determined to live to save her people. 

I have read all of Sarah Beth Durst's books, and this one is my new favorite. I loved the trek through the desert and exploring all the new cultures Durst invents. On this trek lots of amazing characters are introduced, each of them lovable--whether I loved to love them or loved to hate them. Furthermore, Liyana's strength is inspiring and her courage is what makes the adventure exciting. 


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