
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Unbreakable by Elizabeth Norris - NO

Norris, Elizabeth Unbreakable, 481 pgs. Balzer + Bray, 2013. Language - PG-13 (81 swears, 39 "f"), Sexual Content - PG-13; Violence - R; 

Saving the world from being destroyed did not keep everything the way it was before the wormholes were created. Janelle is now dealing with a world devastated by tsunamis, fire, and earthquakes without any aid from the government or other countries. As if that wasn't enough, people are disappearing into thin air. It takes Barclay coming to recruit Janelle's help for her to realize that this is bigger than just her universe and it will only get worse unless she teams up with Barclay to save the multiverse. Again. 

Unbreakable is way better than its prequel Unraveling because it takes "intense" to the next level. There is a lot of saving for Janelle (and friends) to accomplish in only a week, and Norris knows how to keep the action moving without letting the suspense die down until the very last shot is fired. Unfortunately, this action-packed story is a little too descriptive in some of the fighting scenes, and the first fifty pages take a lot of patience to endure Janelle's whining complaints about missing Ben. I would, however, like to congratulate Norris on getting the swearing under better control in this book--it made the read more enjoyable than its prequel. 

HS - NO. Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen

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