
Saturday, October 12, 2013

Turkey Tot by George Shannon -- ESSENTIAL

Shannon, George Turkey Tot, illustrated by Jennifer K. Mann. PICTURE BOOK. Holiday House, 2013. $16.95. Content: G.

Turkey Tot and his friends are thrilled when they spy a tree covered in blackberry vines but, to their great distress, they can't reach any of the tasty fruit. Turkey Tot's friends give up immediately, but Turkey Tot is determined to find a creative solution -- despite his friends' negativity. When he comes up with an ingenious plan, not only are his friends impressed, but they are happily full, as they get to share in the berry bounty.

What a fun book with a terrific message! Like with so many difficult tasks, Turkey Tot doesn't win immediately, but he works and works until he gets what he's after. His perseverance and creativity are strongly rewarded. And when he chooses to be nice to his skeptical friends in the end, instead of snubbing them and eating his berries alone, he earns their acceptance and respect. I even loved that they were trying for fruit instead of, say, cupcakes or candy.

Pre-K, EL (K-3) -- ESSENTIAL. Reviewer: Caryn

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