
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Noisy Book by Soledad Bravi - ADVISABLE

Bravi, Soledad  The Noisy Book  Gecko Press, 2012.  $16.95  BOARD BOOK  Content: G.  

This is a book full of pictures and their sounds.  Each page reads in a similar format, such as: “The trumpet goes tootle toot”.   There are multiple pictures of different objects that make sounds.  The page labels the object and then says the sound.  This is such a fun book for little people who are learning their sounds.  The illustrations are simple and bright and the repetition of the format keeps little people’s interest.  I have a couple of complaints: first, there are a couple of pages that have nothing to do with sound, “The power outlet goes NO!” and “The snail does nothing but move its elegant feelers”.  In a book that has rhythm and consistency for so many pages, it’s disconcerting to be stopped by these two random pages.  And second, it’s really long-which as the reader I found myself hiding pages when I turned the page to get to the end (but I did not pull anything over on my son).  Other than that, my child loved it and it’s a fun activity read for young people.  

PREK-ADVISABLE.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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