
Sunday, October 20, 2013

The Fire Horse Girl by Kay Honeyman - OPTIONAL

Honeyman, Kay The Fire Horse Girl, 321 pgs. Arthur A. Levine Books, 2013. Language - G, Sexual Content - PG-13; Violence - PG; 

Jade Moon is bold, stubborn, and determined--everything a good Chinese daughter should not be. These traits often get her nothing but disapproval and punishment. Yet, somehow luck has found her and is taking her to America, a land where she can be anything--and everything--she wants to be. 

Jade Moon's story promised excitement, adventure, and mischief, so I was disappointed when these attributes failed to show up until halfway through the book. This made the second half of The Fire Horse Girl enjoyable, but it wasn't worth  all the effort it took to get through the first 150 pages. On the plus side, Jade Moon's story has a very satisfying ending. 

MS, HS - OPTIONAL. Reviewer: CCH

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