
Monday, October 21, 2013

The Feros by Wesley King - ESSENTIAL

King, Wesley The Feros (Vindico #2) 320 pgs. Penguin Young Readers Group, 2013. $14.83. Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content – PG; Violence: PG13.

 The second installment in the Vindico series takes the band of young heroes into new dangers with intrigue.  James, Hayden, Sam, Emily and Lana have been sent home to return to their regular life after battling first the League of Heroes and then the Vindico.  They are not to use their superpowers before they return to the League of Heroes in six months to see about joining with the League.  Their powers are getting stronger and they are all anxious to become part of the League of Heroes.  However, something is lurking.  Is it real?  What is it? They can never quite are able to see it and it vanishes as they approach. What is this specter?.  With all of this going on a reunion is planned for the five friends.  They decide on a name.  They will call themselves the Feros.  While at the reunion they are ambushed and arrested by a rogue band of Heroes.  They escape and now they are not sure who they can trust.  Their confidence is strong and together they feel they can overcome all of their challenges.  But no sooner do they start to find answers when they are rocked to the core when Emily is abducted.  They desperately launch a search for Emily which leads to another big conflict with seemingly unimaginable odds.  It leaves the door open for more adventure as the book concludes.

 This is an action-packed sequel with energy, humor, and excitement.  It is a great book for male readers. 

MS, HS – ESSENTIAL. Reviewer: W. Child - Cyprus High Library Media Specialist

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