
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Sammy Keyes and the Killer Cruise (Series) by Wendelin Van Draaden–ADVISABLE

Van Draanen Sammy Keyes and the Killer Cruise 336 pgs. Knopf Books for Young Readers, 2013. $12.92.  Content: Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: G; Violence: PG.
Sammy is going on a cruise to Mexico! She will have a chance to get to know her newly discovered dad, a rockstar, and have a last bit of fun with her best friend Marissa, who is moving away. But right away she is intrigued by the Kensington family. They are having a sort of family reunion to sprinkle their grandfather’s ashes as sea. They aren't a happy family, but they are rich. When they start to go missing, Sammy can’t help but get involved.
First off, the covers of the books in this series have got to go, they have zero kid appeal. I have almost the whole series at my library, untouched, and I am here to say –its not because of the content. This was a fun multifaceted plot with authentic banter and silliness which will resonate with students. Sammy is a fun character who is smart, down to earth, brave and sometimes really stupid! The author does a great job of setting the scene as well –felt like I was really there..minus the seasickness this time!

EL, MS -ADVISABLE Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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