
Thursday, October 3, 2013

Revolution 19 by Gregg Roenblum - OPTIONAL

Rosenblum, Gregg Revolution 19, 265 pgs. Harper Teen, 2013. Language - PG-13 (70 swears, 0 "f"), Sexual Content - PG-13; Violence - PG-13; 

Nick, Cass, and Kevin have heard stories about the ruthless robots and death-camp cities, but now the bots have come to destroy their village. After their parents are taken, these three siblings cross unfamiliar terrain and find the city. While the supposed "death-camp" looks tranquil from a far, they soon discover that the stories were not wrong about the "ruthless bots" part. But it doesn't matter, Nick, Cass, and Kevin are ready to risk everything to get their parents back. 

I expected Revolution 19 to be more exciting then it actually was. There is lots of action, but it felt like Rosenblum rushed to fit everything in at the end. This makes it hard to feel the excitement and intensity that should be in the end because I was forced to re-read parts to make sure I didn't miss anything. Then, even after rushing to get all those last events in, Rosenblum leaves on a sudden cliffhanger. Overall, I think it is a good story, but it could have been written in a way to make it more enjoyable. 

HS - OPTIONAL. Reviewer: CCH

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