
Friday, October 18, 2013

Finding Bigfoot: Everything you need to know by Martha Brockenbrough –ADVISABLE

Brockenbrough, Martha Finding Bigfoot: Everything you need to know 160 pgs. Feiwel & Friends, 2013. $14.99.  Content: Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: G; Violence: G.
This giant book is literally everything a student might want to know about Bigfoot, from its name in other countries, very current sighting counts, experts in the field, major and minor sightings, and much more. It is based on the Animal Planet TV show called Finding Bigfoot. Bright and full of colorful pictures.
Although this book is pretty large, it contains simplified scientific techniques and wonderful explanations (In some cases they were very careful to be G rated). It can easily work for upper elementary or higher. My only complaint is that specific photographic sightings are talked about, but not shown. There was also some repetitive imagery, which could fail to keeps students attention. The publishing house should have helped this author get more image permissions. I thought this book was really interesting and fun and I think students will too!!

EL, MS –ADVISABLE Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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