
Monday, October 21, 2013

Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes- ADVISABLE

Rhodes, Morgan  Falling Kingdoms, 412 pgs.  Razor Bill, 2012. $18.99 

Content: Language: PG-13 (20 swears); Mature Content: PG-13; Violence: PG-13 (war).  

There are three kingdoms in Mytica, each ruled by their own set of leaders and power.  But when one royal crosses over to another kingdom to visit, and that visit goes wrong, unrest begins among all three kingdoms.  Cleo is the princess of Auranos, the wealthiest kingdom, and their kingdom is targeted by the combined kingdoms of Paelsia and Limeros.  Cleo is much more concerned for her sister’s health and is on a quest to find a piece of magic that will heal her sister.  Jonas, another key player in the growing unrest, is a rebel from Paelsia, who believes that aligning with Limeros will help his country find prosperity again.  And finally, Magnus is the prince of Limeros and he is torn about helping his dark and evil father.  These three characters and their kingdoms intertwine in a series of murders, betrayal and magic.  

This is a highly entertaining novel.  The book goes back and forth between the three main characters’ stories and winds towards a shared story.  The familial and romantic relationships are well developed and the world building is smooth and easy to fall into.  The ending resolves the war, but leaves the reader hanging.  I can’t wait until the next book comes out in this series.  Well written and fantastic.  


Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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