
Friday, September 27, 2013

The Rose Throne by Mette Ivie Harrison - OPTIONAL

Harrison, Mette Ivie The Rose Throne, 390 p. Egmont, 2013.  Violence: PG (some, mild).  

Princess Ailsbet has no magic; she is unweyr and her only value is as a pawn in her father’s hands, King Haikor of Rurik.  His powerful taweyr, power to control animals and man, makes him the ultimate authority in his kingdom, and he has almost completely eliminated neweyr, the power to control plants.  Anyone with the wrong weyr, as Haikor believes taweyr is for men only and neweyr is only for women, is declared ekhono and hunted down and killed.  In Weirland, however , both weyr’s flourish and Rurik’s ekhono are rescued and hidden.  King Haikor wants to unite (control) both kingdom’s by marrying his son to Weirland’s daughter.  

There is no good way to succinctly explain the world and plot of this book.  I read it as an ebook, so I was surprised to find out how long it is.  It read much faster than its page count and I found the world to be very interesting.  Students who enjoy Graceling by Cashore would probably also enjoy this.  

MS, HS – OPTIONAL.  Cindy, Library Teacher.

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