
Saturday, September 7, 2013

Monet Paints a Day by Julie Danneberg - ESSENTIAL

Danneberg, Julie Monet Paints a Day, illustrated by Heimerl, Caitlin.  pgs. 29. Charlesbridge Publishing, Inc., 2012.  $15.95.  G:  No inappropriate language,  mature content, or violence.  PICTURE BOOK.

 “Monet Paints a Day” is a terrific picture book.  The watercolor illustrations are fabulous – full of life, energy and color.   I read this book to my seven-year old granddaughter.  She said it was a great story!  In it, we learn about Claude Monet, one of the most famous impressionist painters.  We discover his personality, how he paints and thinks.  In the author’s words,
“Just as one of Monet’s paintings showed his feelings or impressions of a particular moment in time, so this story shows an impression of a day in Claude Monet’s extended life as a painter, a career that lasted more than sixty years and produced more than two thousand paintings.”
This is a wonderful book that describes Claude Monet and impressionism in an easy-to-understand manner.  Filled with lovely, eye-catching illustrations, this book is especially suited to school-aged children and adults.

ELEM/MS  – ESSENTIAL.   Mary Jane Burton, art teaher

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