Callaghan, Cindy Lost in London, 256 p. Simon and Schuster,
2013. $7. Content: G.
Jordan Jacoby is super excited that she talked her mother into letting
her go to London for spring break. When
she arrives, however, the host’s daughter, Caroline, doesn’t seem quite so
excited to see Jordan. Caroline’s
friends are very welcoming and they almost make up for Caroline’s cold
shoulder. Jordan and Caroline get stuck
in Daphne’s department store overnight and have to cooperate in order to avoid
the guard. Someone knows about the
sleepover and is willing to blackmail the pair with their secret. And as the group continues their way around
London, mysterious thefts seem to follow them.
This has the potential to be a dreadful mashup of girl trouble,
blackmail and mystery, but Callaghan actually pulls the whole thing together deftly
and without irony. A great addition to
the Simon Mix selections.
EL, MS –
ADVISABLE. Cindy, Library Teacher.
My girls love the Mix books, and I love anything set in London, so I'll definitely have to read this!