
Monday, September 9, 2013

Home Sweet Haunt (Creepover Series#15) by PJ Night –OPTIONAL

Night, PJ Off the Wall (Creepover Series#15) 160 pgs. Simon Spotlight, 2013. $14.40.  Content: Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: PG; Violence: G.
Nora’s family has been through an apartment fire. It was so scary, that her parents have kind of kept Nora and her brother on lockdown –even homeschooling them. Nora misses her friends so much! One day her parents let her go to the park and she meets a new friend, a girl who lives in her building. Together they have an interesting Halloween and Nora finds out some startling truths about her family.
I sort of thought this book was depressing and then really cold at the end. I think this is my personal least favorite in the series. I can imagine a parent coming to me about this one. I love this series, but I think this one should be skipped if you are in an elementary school. Public libraries could easily add this to their collection, its well written enough that the grimness of it really sinks in.

Elementary –OPTIONAL Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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