
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Moustache Up! A Playful Game of Opposites by Kimberly Ainsworth - NO

Ainsworth, Kimberly  Moustache Up! A Playful Game of Opposites  Illustrated by Daniel Roode  Simon and Schuster, 2013.  $7.99  BOARD BOOK Content: G. 
This book shows all different kinds of moustaches.  Each page spread has a rhyme and then the opposite page shows a face that has an opening for a moustache to be inserted.  The book comes with an envelope of different kinds of moustaches that can be attached to the different pictures.  The rhyme is cute and I wish that it was just an opposite book using moustaches, because for some reason kids get a kick out of moustaches, but because the different pages have to have a moustache inserted it makes the book hard for little kids who would use a board book and it also makes it so you can’t use it in a library.  I wouldn’t even give this book as a gift because the moustaches are too hard to put in the tab and I think they are easy to lose.  Cute idea, but the format renders the book useless for a library. 
NO-PREK.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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