
Monday, July 8, 2013

Mia and the Girl with a Twist by Robin Farley-ADVISABLE

Farley, Robin Mia and the Girl with a Twirl (My First I Can Read).  Illustrated by Olga Ivanov.  32 pgs.  Harper Collins, 2013.  $3.99.  EARLY READER Content: G.  This story is about a little cat named Mia.  She goes to dance class one day and a new girl is in her class. The new girl is named Sara.  When Mia and her friends show Sara the dance, Sara doesn’t do it correctly but does it in her own way instead. When Mia asked her why she did it differently, Sara explained that when she tried to do it, it simply came out her way.  Read to find out whether Sara will be accepted for her differences.  I liked the storyline and the illustrations.  The author was able to explain a lot in just a few words.  There is a good lesson to be learned from Mia and her acceptance of others and from Sara daring to be different. Pre-K.  EL (K-3).  ADVISABLE.  Student Reviewed: JL- age 10. 

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