
Thursday, July 11, 2013

Girl of NIghtmares by Kendare Blake - OPTIONAL

Blake, Kendare Girl of Nightmares, 332 pgs.  Tom Doherty Associates Book, 2012. $17.99  Content: Language: R (95 swears; 18 “F”; 6 God); Mature Content: PG-13; Violence: PG-13. 
Cas is a ghost hunter, but he can’t seem to concentrate on his job lately because all he sees is the ghost that he once loved, Anna.  Whenever he sees Anna, she is suffering in a hell so unimaginable that it drives Cas to find a way to get her out of her hell.  Cas starts to research different ways to extricate spirits from the other side.  With his two best friends he meets up with a whole group of people who hunt ghosts also.  Together they try to come up with a way to help Anna, but what they don’t count on is facing past ghosts and trying to decide who they can trust. 
This is the sequel to Anna Dressed in Blood.  Both books are very entertaining and hard to put down.  They are great ghost stories that will entertain reluctant readers, but as is evident, in the swear count, it is for older kids.  I want to put advisable, but I’m not sure that with that many “F” words it is really appropriate for school libraries, but maybe if you had the right kind of reader.  I actually cried at the end of this book and appreciated the ending.  I love the main character and also his friends.  This author writes very well. 
 HS-OPTIONAL.  Reviewer, C. Peterson. 

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