
Saturday, July 13, 2013

Flat Stanley Goes Camping by Jeff Brown-ADVISABLE

Brown, Jeff Flat Stanley Goes Camping. 32 pgs. Harper Collins, 2013. $16.99. I CAN READ. Flat Stanley and his family go camping after Stanley confesses to feeling bad about being flat, he just wishes he was a normal kid and that being flat is lame.  His mother suggests that Stanley and his brother Arthur go on a hike.  They get into trouble a couple of times, but Stanley is able to save the boys because he is flat! Being flat isn’t so lame after all! Flat Stanley learns a lot about himself in this book.  He discovers his true worth, and that everyone has worth.  The book was very well written and the illustrations were fun. They helped convey the story very well.  I really believe a young child would be very entertained by this book.  Pre-K.  EL(K-3). ADVISABLE. Student  Reviewer: JL

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