
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Everything Goes: Good Night, Trucks a Bedtime Story by Brian Biggs - OPTIONAL

Biggs, Brian Everything Goes: Good Night, Trucks A Bedtime Story  Balzer + Bray, 2013.  $7.99  Content: G  BOARD BOOK 
The book starts with a man on a curb saying “Good night, trucks” and then the book is simply a page spread with two words that tell the kind of truck that is shown in the picture.  These are the types of trucks pictures and labeled: fire truck, tractor trailer, dump truck, garbage truck, tanker truck, tow truck, ice cream truck, monster truck, flatbed truck and a motor home.
The illustrations are cartoonish and cute and little readers who like trucks will enjoy the cute pictures.  This board book has less to do with going to bed that it does listing different kinds of trucks. I thought that the other books in the Everything Goes series were better. 
PREK-OPTIONAL.  Reviewer, C. Peterson. 

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