
Friday, July 19, 2013

Destiny, Rewritten by Kathryn Fitzmaurice-ADVISABLE

Fitzmaurice, Kathryn Destiny, Rewritten. Kahterine Tegen Press, 2013. Pgs. 352.

Content: G


Emily Elizabeth Davis’ history and destiny is linked to one book-one her mom bought the day before her birth. The book contains everything including a major secret she has yet to discover. A small twist of events ends in the book being given to Charity and leads Emily to change the small details in how she lives her life. The book, however, accidentally gets taken and the search for her book helps find her own meaning of life and destiny.

The characters are a little offbeat, but believable. The author’s mix of humor and suspense is well done. A cute, quick read leads readers on a serendipitous adventure of life and a girl’s admiration of an author similar to “Dear Mr. Henshaw.”

Reviewer: Jessica Moody, Library Media Specialist, Olympus Jr. High.

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