
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Bo at Ballard Creek by Kirkpatrick Hill - OPTIONAL

Hill, Kirkpatrick Bo at Ballard Creek, 279 p. Henry Holt, 2013. $16.  Language: PG (3 swears, 0 ‘f’ – for a mining camp, I consider that VERY tame!).  

Little Bo, 5, was given to two rough and tough miners to raise from the time she was just a few days old.  She loves her remote, wilderness life among the miners and Eskimos and allows us to follow along for a year of growth, discovery, friendship and wonder.  

I haven’t read anything else by Hill, but he gives a detail rich experience that is a true slice-of-life.  This would be a great bedtime story for the 7,8,9 years age – it won’t ever catch on fire, but it should smolder on for a good long time.  This is much more an adult sharing a book with a child, though parts would be excellent for classroom reading, especially because the detail is reminiscent of the Little House books, really allowing you to feel like you know what life looked, smelled and felt like.  

EL – OPTIONAL.  Cindy, Library Teacher

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