
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Ballpark Mysteries #7: The San Francisco Splash by David A. Kelly- OPTIONAL

Kelly, David A. The San Francisco Splash. Illustrated by Mark Meyers. 98 pgs. Random House, 2013. $4.99. CHAPTER BOOK: Content: G.

Mike and Kate are in the San Francisco Giant’s ballpark bay hoping to catch a fly ball when they hear a much larger splash.  The splash didn’t come from a baseball, but someone falling in! That “person” was the famous retired Giants pitcher Ray Reynolds.  In his fall, he lost his World Series ring. Mike and Kate know this was no accident and have a mystery to solve!

This book was fairly well written, but had some cheesy humor that not even a young child would enjoy.  It cracked un-relatable jokes too many times.  The story was also very predictable.  I pretty much knew how the book was going to end after the first chapter.  There were a few twists, but nothing that affected the story line.  The illustrations were well done and helped the visual aspect of the book greatly.

EL.  OPTIONAL.  Student Reviewer: JL

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