
Sunday, June 16, 2013

Scorch by GIna D'Amico-OPTIONAL

D’Amico, Gina, Scorch. Graphia, 2012. Pgs. 332. Language: R (111 swears, 1 “f”), Violence: PG-13, Sexual Content: PG-13

Lex and the other teenage grim reapers are no longer comfortable at Croak. Zara is going on a wild spree damning both criminals and innocent individuals. The town of Croak is on edge and scared. Zara will only stop her murderous rampage if Lex finds her a sercret book that will grant her extraordinary power. Mort has been outed as mayor and he takes Lex and the other juniors on a wild adventure. Can Lex find the book Zara wants? How can Lex stop Zara? Is anyone safe?

The frequent pit stops and make-out sessions get old. Lex is a fairly shallow character, but her guilt and insecurity are relatable. The plot lags and refers a lot to rules learned in book one, but ends with a catch punch. Readers who enjoyed Croak and like to read books with grim reapers, adventure, humor, romance, action, and high stakes will want to read this book and any possible sequels. HS. OPTIONAL. Reviewer: Jessica Moody, Library Media Specialist, Olympus Jr. High.

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