
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Rope Burn by Jan Siebold - ADVISABLE

Siebold, Jan  Rope Burn, 82pgs.  Albert Whitman & Company, 1998.  $5.99.  

Content G

Richard is dealing with a lot of change in his young life, new home, new school and newly divorced parents.  In his English class, Richard is challenged to choose a proverb and write an essay about how it applies to his life.  With the way things are going, Richard realizes it will take more than one proverb to describe his life.

This short novel is an easy read and would work well for a short literature circle, group discussion, or introduction to a writing assignment.  There are discussion questions and activities following the novel.  It is honest and has an authentic voice for the middle school aged protagonist.  The story touches on many of the life moments that kids encounter as they transition between child and young adult.  Rope Burn is charming, humorous and poignant in it's simplicity.  An enjoyable, well-paced read.  


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