
Thursday, June 27, 2013

Miss Moore Thought Otherwise by Jan Pinborough - ESSENTIAL

Pinborough, Jan Miss Moore Thought Otherwise: How Anne Carroll Moore Created Libraries for Children, illustrated by Debby Atwell.  Houghton, 2013.  $17.  PICTURE BOOK.  NONFICTION.  Content: G. 

 Modern children would probably be surprised to learn that there was a time when children weren’t allowed to checkout books from the library.  Miss Moore’s story is indicative of the pioneering work done by women around the country to bring libraries to children by building their collections and making special rooms just for them to read, listen and enjoy.  She and these other woman did herculean work to bring the importance of children’s librarianship to the attention of the world.  While this book is of particular interest to librarians, of course, it is also a very excellent opportunity for a lesson.  

EL (K-3)  - ESSENTIAL.  Cindy, Library Teacher

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