
Monday, June 17, 2013

Marco Impossible by Hannah Moskowitz –ESSENTIAL

Moskowitz, Hannah Marco Impossible 256 pgs. Simon Roaring Brook Press, 2013. $11.58. 

Content: Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: PG; Violence: G.

Middle School student Marco has a wild plan to confess his love to crush Benji, it involves lying, stealing, and break-in’s. His best friend, Stephen, always goes along for the ride –but this time he is trying to protect Marco from an unknown bully. Nothing goes quite right and the boys' friendship is put to the test. Stephen wonders why everything is always about Marco and if the drama is worth it. Stephen has a crush of his own –and she even thinks he is a great detective! Will he get a chance to do something for himself for once?

I am a bit biased since I love Zombie Tag by this author! She has a knack for presenting a fun and intriguing plot while stirring in some wonderful messages. In this case, with one of the main characters as on 'out' gay pre-teen, we find acceptance and standing up to bullying all rolled into the true meaning of friendship. I felt like the characters were actual real people, well written. I think students will also find this a fantastic read -easy to relate to and interesting.

MS- ESSENTIAL Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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