Endrulat, Harry Fanklin and the Gecko Games. 24
pgs. Kids Can Press, 2013. $5.95. PICTURE
BOOK. Franklin and his friends have formed a special club called the Nature
Nuts. They play and enjoy each other’s
company but also learn a lot about nature.
They even have a club pledge. Mr.
Owl points out that they have some club business to attend to. Someone needs to volunteer to watch over a
gecko during the summer holidays. Both
Franklin and Beaver quickly raise their hands. When a vote is taken, it’s a tie. Beaver decided they need to have a competition
to see who will be the gecko-sitter.
Franklin wins one competition. Beaver wins another competition. The final tie breaker competition goes to
Franklin. When Franklin sees how
disappointed his friend Beaver is, he makes a decision that surprises everyone!
This book could be used in a unit on
friendship and sharing. There is also a
lot of fun information about geckos.
Reviewer: SL.
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