
Thursday, June 20, 2013

Faces from the past by James Deem - ADVISABLE

Deem, James M.  Faces from the past: Forgotten People of North America, 140 p.  Houghton, 2012.  $19.  NON-FICTION.
From the first scientifically researched facial reconstructions (one of the first being Johan Sebastian Bach!), to the modern era, artists and scientists have become better and better at accurate reconstructions, based on genetic testing, historical research and thousands of measurements to create tables for facial shapes based many different factors.  This highly engaging book follows nine historic reconstructions in North America, including the history surrounding the original burials, including a violent secret from Wyoming – a great way to connect children to the past.  My students eat up non-fiction, and I know they will enjoy this.  

MS, HS – ADVISABLE.  Cindy, Library Teacher

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