
Monday, June 17, 2013

Doggone Feet! by Leslie Helakoski-OPTIONAL

Helakoski, Leslie Doggone Feet! 40 pgs. Boyds Mills Press, 2013. $16.95. PICTURE BOOK. This book is about a dog who finds his owner at the park one day. The owner decides to keep him.  He likes living with him and his feet.  Then another pair of feet shows up at the house.  The dog doesn’t want to share his owner with this new pair of feet.  But eventually these new feet scratch his back, so he decides to let them stay.  Soon another pair of tiny feet shows up.  At first the dog doesn’t like those feet either but eventually accepts them.  What will happen when more and more feet keep showing up in this dog’s life.  Read to find out. The book was confusing at times.  I didn’t like that it was written in rhyme.  EL (K-3).  OPTIONAL.  Reviewer: JL- age 10.

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