
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Brush of the Gods by Lenore Look -- ADVISABLE

Look, Lenore and Meilo So Brush of the Gods 40 pgs. Schwartz & Wade Books, June 25, 2013. $17.99. PICTURE BOOK.

A fanciful retelling of the legend of Wu Daozi, often considered one of China's greatest painters. Refusing to be hemmed in by the strict lines of calligraphy, Daozi begins to experiment with his brush, first embellishing his calligraphic work, then moving on to murals on the walls of the city. But when his paintings become so realistic that they spring to life, he captures the attention of the emperor. Thus begins his greatest piece of art yet, a mural that culminates in the revelation of a door that actually opens, allowing him to pass through into Paradise and disappear forever.

Although it is billed as a biography, the fantastical elements make this one far more fictional. As a story, however, it is a beautiful introduction to Daozi himself and, more broadly, to ancient Chinese art. It would also make a great jumping-off point for discussions about the nature of creativity, including the necessity of learning the basics of your art and practicing diligently, as Daozi does, in order to hone your talent.

EL --ADVISABLE. Reviewed by: Caryn

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