
Monday, June 3, 2013

Arkeepers #2: Angeliks by W.J. Madsen-ADVISABLE

Madsen, W.J., Angeliks (Arkeepes #2). Little M Books, 2012. 206 pages.

Language: G, Violence: PG, Sexual Content: G

In their newest adventure, Inspector Moustachio (aka Jake), his sister, Alexa are from a long line of Angelik ancestry. They and their two pets, Rex and Sandy, have been sent through a magic mirror to try and find some missing cows. Their suspects include a bungling farmhand named Bob Billy Bob, a girl with a tiara-wearing, Pig Latin-speaking pig, who is jealous of the cows’ owners, and some treacherous ranchers. To make matters worse, Mrs. Smythe, the thief from the first book, has escaped prison and her and her boss, Baron von Snodgrass are still after Jake’s magnifying glass. Can Jake and Alexa solve the mystery and make it home?

This humorous mystery has all the elements of a great fantasy. All of the characters are well-developed, funny and likable, whether good or evil. The plot is well-written and holds the reader’s interest while still keeping the air of mystery. Readers who like fantasy, mystery, humor, and adventure will enjoy reading this book.

EL, MS. ADVISABLE. Reviewer: Kira M, Youth Services Librarian, WHI Public Library.

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