
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

A Pizza the Size of the Sun by Jack Prelutsky- ESSENTIAL

Prelutsky, Jack A Pizza the Size of the Sun.  Illustrated by James Stevenson.  Greenwillow Books, 2013. Reprint edition. 160 pgs. $9.99 POETRY.  Originally published 10 years after Prelutsky’s The New Kid of the Block, this additional poetry book is as good as the first.  Meet Miss Misinformaton and Gladiola Gloppe (and her Soup Shoppe).  Read a backward poem and a poem that never ends!  And of course, there is the Pizza the size of the Sun:

I'm topping my pizza with mountains of cheese,
with acres of peppers, pimentos, and peas,
with mushrooms, tomatoes, and sausage galore,
with every last olive they had at the store.

Adults and children alike will delight in the humorous poetry and illustrations in this great poetry collection! The illustrations by James Stevenson are as fantastic and important as they poems themselves.  This collection is great for all kids and is a must have for every classroom and library! If you have a sense of humor, you will love this book.  

EL (K-3). EL.  ESSENTIAL. Reviewer: SL.

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