Sebe, Masayuki 100 Animals on Parade! 24 pgs. Kids Can Press, 2013. $16.95. PICTURE
BOOK. No one illustrates fun-loving
animals quite like Masayuki Sebe! We
love all books published by Sebe-especially the search-and-find books. His illustrations are brightly colored and humorous. This story has the reader join a parade of
fun-loving characters as the reader explores 100 pigs, 100 beetles, 100 rabbits
and much more. Each page contains
search-and-find elements such as “counting rabbit number 13 and finding what is
on his head”. The illustrations are
small and the font next to some of the characters is tiny so this would not make a
good group read-aloud-book, but a prefect snuggle book. Pre-K.
EL (K-3). ESSENTIAL. Reviewer: SL.
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