
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Eagles are Back by Jean Craighead George –ESSENTIAL

George, Jean Craighead and Illustrated by Minor, Wendell  The Eagles are Back 32 pgs. Dial, 2013. $12.23.  Content: Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: G; Violence: G.

A simple yet touching story about the small part one boy played in helping the American Bald Eagle come back from near extinction. The boy always watches his favorite pair of eagles, when he discovers that the two eggs they laid are crushed, he is upset. How can this be? What can he do?

While this book is full of information and doesn't hold back on the realities of the part humans have played in the situation –it also has this wonderful story that carries the reader through and brings them up with hope. The artwork is varied in presentation and interesting. I think this book will be a wonderful addition to a school library collection and useful in areas such as American symbols, environmentalism, inspiration, and a nature story. Looks like this book is part of a series of animal population recovery books, worth looking into further.

EL (K-3) –ESSENTIAL Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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