
Monday, May 6, 2013

That's Mine! by Michel Van Zeveren - OPTIONAL

Van Zeveren, Michel  That’s Mine! Gecko Press, 2013. $17.95 PICTURE BOOK Content: G. 
A frog finds an egg and claims it as his own, but a snake comes along and takes it from the frog.  Then an eagle takes the egg from the snake and a lizard tries to take it from the eagle.  While the eagle and lizard are fighting, the egg flies into the air and hits an elephant on the head.  The elephant turns and asks whose egg it is and because everyone is scared of a large elephtant, everybody turns and says it’s the frog’s egg.  The frog takes the egg and is happy that it is his again, until it hatches an alligator and the alligator chases the frog yelling “Mine”.   
The illustrations are cute in this simple story and the jungle animals have cute facial expressions.  The idea that saying something is ours doesn’t make it true, might be a bit over a younger reader’s comprehension.  The story is very simple and short.  Overall, it’s a cute enough book, that could be appreciated by younger readers. 
PREK, EL (K-3)-OPTIONAL.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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