
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Mimi's Village and How Basic Health Care Transformed It by Katie Smith Milway and Eugenie Fernandes -- ESSENTIAL

Milway, Katie Smith and Eugenie Fernandes Mimi's Village and How Basic Health Care Transformed It 32 pgs. Citizen Kid/Kids Can Press, 2012. $18.95.

Mimi and her family live in a village in Africa. Their drinking water is unsafe, the prevalent mosquitos sometimes carry malaria, and people frequently die from preventable diseases and accidents. When Mimi's younger sister becomes sick from infected water, her family has to travel over an hour to seek treatment. As her sister recovers, Mimi realizes how important basic health care is, and she works to bring a health clinic to their little town.

Mimi is a sympathetic character who brings to life many of the very real -- and preventable -- struggles African villagers face. The story book format -- as opposed to straight-up nonfiction -- is an interesting way to get the point across about the importance of health care and the difficulties many people have in finding it. While the story itself is fictional, the last several pages contain a great deal of additional information, including a large section on how to contribute to the cause and examples of children who have crusaded to help save lives in Africa. The information presented may inspire children to help and show them that even one small child can make a big difference in the world.

EL -- ESSENTIAL. Reviewed by: Caryn

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