
Thursday, May 9, 2013

Little Rooster’s Diamond Button by Margaret MacDonald –ADVISABLE

MacDonald, Margaret Read and Illustrated by Terry, Will Little Rooster’s Diamond Button 32 pgs. Albert Whitman & Company, 2013. $7.99.  Content: Language: G (0 swears);  Mature Content: G ;  Violence: G.
Little Rooster has an unusual ability, he has a magic stomach! It sure comes in handy when the King takes a diamond button from Little Rooster. A re-telling of a Hungarian Folktale that teaches us to use the strengths we have and keep trying in the face of adversity.
Student will love this story because part of the roosters magic stomach is to expel what he is storing inside. Which makes for a silly and entertaining story time! Its filled with bright zany artwork that is eye-catching as well. Add this to your folktale collection.
EL -ADVISABLE Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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