
Friday, May 31, 2013

Checkers and Dots at the Beach by J. Torres - ESSENTIAL

Torres, J.  Checkers and Dots at the Beach  Illustrated by Jennifer Lum Tundra Books, 2013.  $8.99  BOARD BOOK  Content: G 
A little boy and girl, with their dog and cat, go to the beach where they encounter different sea life.  They find five different animals and count from one to five: one crab, two clams, three turtles, four gulls and five fish.  The last page spread shows the boy and girl with their cat and dog with all of the sea animals interacting. 
This book is completely done in black and white and the illustrations are simple and adorable.  The counting fits into a storyline and the storyline rhymes making it fun to read aloud.  This is a great book for newborns and little ones.
PREK-ESSENTIAL.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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