
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

10 Plants that Shook the World by Gillian Richardson –ADVISABLE

Richardson, Gillian 10 Plants that Shook the World 132 pgs. Annick Press, 2013. $17.96.  Content: Language: G (0 swears);  Mature Content: G;  Violence: G.
This book details the stories of 10 plants that have made their mark on history. For example: The Potato, why it became so relied upon, and what that reliance led to in Ireland. Included are fun tidbits, interesting facts, illustrations, and photographs.
I thought this was a fantastic book! I really enjoyed reading it and thought it was an lens to view history through. The illustrated are quirky and fun, combing with photographs and eye-catching layouts. Compliments aside, I can’t imagine an audience or a place in the curriculum for this book. Those students learning about plants aren't usually up for that depth of history. Students that are interested in plants might want a gardening book, or plant identification, not the history component. If you have a place for it, well it’s a pretty amazing book.
Elementary, MS - ADVISABLE Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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