
Monday, April 29, 2013

Your Food Is Fooling You by David A Kessler MD –OPTIONAL

Kessler, David A Your Food Is Fooling You: How your brain is hijacked by sugar, fat, and salt 192 pgs. Roaring Brook Press, 2012. $8.99.  Content: Language: G (0 swears);  Mature Content: G;  Violence: G.
This book offers an explain for today's epidemic of obesity. It delves into how brain chemistry is manipulated by marketing companies and food producers who ingeniously designed foods that combine sugar,fat, and salt. It includes chapters on how to break the cycle of over-eating and to set rules that work for you.
I was annoyed by this book. I thought that if I read “Sugar, Fat, and Salt” one more time that I would throw the book and never retrieve it.  The content is very repetitive, constantly reviewing, rehashing and reminding. I think the foundational message is wonderful though –food is necessary and good, just not when its out of control, be aware of marketing and manipulation and seek to create your own customized food rules. The question is, will reader survive the gambit of hundreds of “Sugar, Fat, and Salt” mentions to actually finish this book and take its message to heart.
MS, HS –OPTIONAL Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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