
Monday, April 15, 2013

Take me to your BBQ by Kathy Duval and Adam McCauley –ADVISABLE

Duval, Kathy and Illustrated by McCauley, Adam Take me to your BBQ 40 pgs. Hyperion Book CH, 2013. $12.67.  Content: Language: G (0 swears);  Mature Content: G ; Violence: G.
Will is a farmer cowboy. One night as he is grilling his dinner with is dog by his side, a UFO starts to land! The animals go crazy and the ship lights his house on fire! When they come out, Will is worried that the Aliens will kidnap him, but soon finds out they really just want him to BBQ and play his fiddle. But this simple guy has a trick up his sleeve.
The illustrations in this book are incredibly fun! They are quirky, bright, and entertaining to look at. Most are double page and some fold out. The story is really lyrical and goofy, and I love that they include a BBQ sauce recipe in the back. I think students will love this book!
EL –ADVISABLE Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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