
Monday, April 1, 2013

Red Kite, Blue Kite by Ji-Li Liang-ADVISABLE

Jiang, Ji-Li, Red Kite, Blue Kite. Disney Press, 2013. PICTURE BOOK.

Tai Shan and his father, Baba loved to fly kites. Tai-Shan would fly his red kite while his father would fly his red. One day, armed men with red armbands ransack their village, destroying many stores and taking many away to work in labor camps. Since he has no other family, he’s sent to live with a farmer named Granny Wang in a village near his father’s labor camp. Although they are far apart, the two find a secret way to communicate.

Based on a true story, this book will inspire and delight. The pictures are colorful, detailed, and complement the text well. The story is a little long, but still manages to keep the reader’s interest. Elementary students who are interested in Chinese culture and history will enjoy reading this book.

EL (K-3), EL - ADVISABLE. Reviewer: Jessica Moody, Library Media Specialist, Olympus Jr. High.

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