Patterson, James and Grabenstein, Chris I Funny: A Middle School Story, 304 pgs, Little, Brown and Company, 2012. $15.99. Language: G; Mature Content: G; Violence: PG.
Wheelchair bound Jamie Grimm is a really funny kid. He tells jokes to all his friends, to the customers at his uncle’s diner, even to strangers on the street. But is he funny enough to win the “Funniest Kid in America” contest?
With it’s super short chapters and lots of illustrations, this is the perfect “next book” for the Wimpy Kid readers. The jokes are clean, and often credited to the classic comedians, plus there’s a little potty humor and booger jokes to keep the boys happy.
EL MS ADVISABLE Lisa Librarian
I was actually a little surprised that the students like this one. It's rather sad for a book with "funny" on the cover. Maybe goes to prove that they will read just about anything as long as it has pictures!