
Thursday, April 18, 2013

Deviant by Adrian McKinty - OPTIONAL

McKinty, Adrian Deviant, 356 pgs, Amulet Books, 2011. $16.95. Language: PG13 ( 24 Swears 0 F); Mature Content: PG (bullying and intense action) Violence: PG13 (animal torture). 15-year old Danny Lopez has recently moved from Las Vegas to Colorado Springs.  He is enrolled in a very strict charter school, complete with uniforms, a "no talking" policy, and the students even have to wear gloves! Meanwhile, in the town, someone is killing cats. Can Danny and his new friends find the killer before he strikes again?  

This thriller is suspenseful, but very slow moving.  The opening chapter is quite disturbing, however, the violence does not continue on that level.  Although Danny is an avid skateboarder, I don't see skater appeal. You’d need to find the right kid for this book. It’s certainly not for everybody.  

MS HS OPTIONAL. Lisa Librarian

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