
Friday, April 19, 2013

Cat Comes Too by Hazel Hutchins - OPTIONAL

Hutchins, Hazel  Cat Comes Too Illustrated by Gosia Mosz  Annick Press, 2013.  BOARD BOOK  $6.95  Content: G. 

This book is about a curious cat who goes to the attic with his owner.  While exploring, the cat finds different objects that are “too crowded, too small, too tippy, too swingy," etc.  As the cat navigates through the piles, he learns that if he climbs, leaps and slides he can conquer most any of the obstacles.  In the end, the cat gets stuck in a pile of clothing, but is rescued by his owner. 
This board book has around four words per page spread.  It reads with a rhythm, but the overall effect is a bit choppy as far as a story goes.  The illustrations are simple and not very colorful. 
PREK-OPTIONAL.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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