
Monday, April 22, 2013

Butterfly: Colors and Counting by Jerry Pallotta - ESSENTIAL

Pallotta, Jerry  Butterfly: Colors and Counting  Illustrated by Shennen Bersani  Charlesbridge, 2013.  BOARD BOOK  $5.95  Content: G. 
This beautifully illustrated board book is a review of the numbers 1-10 and the basic colors of the rainbow.  Each page has a numerical number, the number spelled out and the name of the color with a drawing of the corresponding number and color of butterflies. 
The butterflies are very colorful and detailed to catch the reader’s eye.  This is a basic book with no story line, but it’s a great addition for any little reader’s library.  On the back cover the author includes the names of the butterflies. 
PREK-ESSENTIAL.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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