
Saturday, April 6, 2013

A Pet Named Sneaker by Joan Heilbroner - OPTIONAL

Heilbroner, Joan A Pet Named Sneaker, PICTURE BOOK. Random House Children’s Books, 2013. $8.99. Content: G.

Sneaker is a snake. Pete finds Sneaker in a pet store and they become quite good friends.  Sneaker begins to go to school with Pete and learn all sorts of new things.  During the summer Sneaker goes to the pool with Pete but, “No Pets Allowed!”  When a baby falls into the water and no one notices, Sneaker saves the day and pulls that baby out! Sneaker is beloved by all.  

Told in the typical sequential format of the “I Can Read by Myself, Beginner Books,” A Pet Named Sneaker is predictable enough for an easy reader, but with enough interesting details to keep the attention of young children. Not amazing, but not awful. 

EL – OPTIONAL. Reviewed by: Shay, School Librarian.

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