
Thursday, March 7, 2013

William and the Lost Spirit by Gwen De Bonneval and Matthieu Bonhomme –OPTIONAL

De Bonneval, Gwen and Bonhomme, Matthieu William and the Lost Spirit 160 pgs. GRAPHIC NOVEL. Graphic Universe, 2013. $9.36.  

Language: G (0 swears);  Mature Content: PG ;  Violence: PG.

William’s sister is convinced that their dead father is calling to her, so she runs away to find him. William is worried and takes off after her. But as an heir to a title, he finds himself in harm’s way, more than a regular person would. His aunt sets him on unique path and he is graced with allies, luck, and some magic in his search.

Spoiler alert: 

This story goes on for quite a while, with me an avid follower on the journey, before the character wakes up and realizes it was a dream. I am so not happy about that –big pet peeve. Although later it was sort of revealed to be a spiritual journey with real components–It was too late –I had already dropped out emotionally. Things just get more odd and nonsensical from there. One saving grace is that this graphic novel features absolutely amazing artwork. Please note, the violence is pretty graphic.

MS, HS –OPTIONAL Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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